About Me

Igor Stojkovic

Name: Igor Stojkovic

Date Of Birth: 27.04.1984.

Residence: Belgrade, Serbia

E-Mails: stojkovic@galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu and jimyiigor@yahoo.com

I started programing in 1998., but I am working with Delphi since 1999. First I was playing with DelphiX controls and they helped me so much; thanks to them I've learned almost everything about OOP. Then I have discovered SDL and I am using it since. For almost all that time I have been developing these controls, but I would like to start some game now. I am now on Electrotehnic faculty in Belgrade.

For the end I would like to thank my girlfriend for taking me away from the computer from time to time - thanks to her I am still only half-crazy :), and my roommates for helping me in when I needed it most.