Stojkovic's SDL Page - Description
Here you will find description of everything that makes up my controls. They all work under Windows
and Linux. Tools also work and image list compression is supported under both systems.
- Complete Pascal/Delphi 5 port of Zlib.
- Simple DirectMedia Library is an API like DirectX that gives us functions for video acceleration,
playing sound, input... You can find it at
- SDLDraw
- This unit contains classes: TSDLScreen, TSDLGLScreen, TSDLImage, TSDLGLImage, TSDLImages and
helper functions: LightColor, HueColorTo, RGBtoHSL, HSLtoRGB, DefaultInitGL, SDLPoint, InflateRect,
OffsetRect, PointInRect, RectInRect, OverlapRect, WriteString, ReadString.
- SDLFont
- This unit contain classes TSDLWrapManager, TSDLRasterFont, TSDLTTFFont, TSDLFonts and types like
TSDLTextLayout, TSDLAlignment, TSDLFontStyles, TSDLFontStyle.
- SDLGui
- This unit contains all classes needed for creating and manipulating controls. Those are:
TSDLObject, TSDLImageObject, TSDLComponent, TSDLControl, TSDLStdControl, TSDLGui. It also has class
TSDLMouse, function SDLRegisterClasses and types: TSDLCursor, TSDLBarKind, TStateImage, TStateImages,
TDrawOption, TSDLDragMode, TSDLNotifyEvent TSDLMouseEvent, TSDLMouseClickEvent, TSDLMouseMoveEvent,
TSDLMouseWheelEvent, TSDLKeyEvent, TSDLKeyPressEvent, TSDLDrawItemEvent.
- SDL Controls
- Here you will find description of TSDLForm, TSDLButton, TSDLEdit, TSDLCheckBox, TSDLRadioButton,
TSDLRadioGroup, TSDLComboBox, TSDLMessageDlg, TSDLFileListBox, TSDLDirectoryListBox, TSDLOpenDialog,
TSDLSaveDialog, TSDLDriveCombo, TSDLPanel, TSDLGauge, TSDLLabel, TSDLListBox, TSDLMemo, TSDLScrollBar,
TSDLMenuItem, TSDLPopupMenu, TSDLMenu.