
Here you can download elements of my controls. Current version is 1.1b. You will need SDL libraries in order to use them. This update also uses PASZLIB instead of Zlib library I used before, so you will have to download it, too.You will also need WinZip under windows and unzip utility under linux to extract them. At the moment all of this is only avaible in source code. Maybe I'll add executables once.

For those of you who only want to use my SDLDraw.pas and SDLFont.pas units you can download it here:

SDLDraw and SDLFont units.

All units that make up my controls, you can find here:

SDL Controls.

In order to use them you should add path to Lib directory to library paths in Delphi and Kylix. You will see those directories when you extract the archive. You can find the option for setting paths under menu Tools->Environment options...->Library->Library Path.

SDL Tools contains all the tools: SDL Form Editor, SDL Images, TTFToSGFont, SGFile Operater and SGFont Convertor.

SDL Tools.

You can also download this entire site as a documentation to these controls. But be carefull, these is not updated as regulary as the site:


Now you can also download my new demo:

Rubik's Cube Source
Rubik's Cube Windows Executable