TSDLEdit is a wrapper for a single-line edit control. It is a descendant of
TSDLStdControl. Properties are:
- property SelText: String read FSelText write SetSelText;
- Specifies the selected portion of the edit control’s text.
- property SelStart: Word read FSelStart write SetSelStart;
- Specifies the position of the first selected character in the text and cursor's position if there is no
selected text.
- property SelLength: Word read FSelLength write SetSelLength;
- Specifies the number of characters (bytes) that are selected.
- property Text: String read FText write SetText;
- Specifies the text string that is displayed in the edit box.
- property MaxLength:Word read FMaxLength write SetMaxLength default $FFFF;
- Specifies the maximum number of characters the user can enter into the edit control.
- property AutoSelect : Boolean read FAutoSelect write FAutoSelect default False;
- Determines whether all the text in the edit control is automatically selected when the control gets focus.
- property HideSelection : Boolean read FHideSelection write FHideSelection default True;
- Determines whether the visual indication of the selected text remains when focus shifts to another control.
- property ReadOnly : Boolean read FReadOnly write FReadOnly;
- Determines whether the user can change the text of the edit control.
- property SelColor: Cardinal read FSelColor write FSelColor;
- Color of selection background. Default is green.
- property CursorColor : Cardinal read FCursorColor write FCursorColor;
- Color of the cursor. Default is black.
- property OnChange: TSDLNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- Occurs when the text for the edit control may have changed.
There is one new procedure:
- procedure SelectAll;
- Selects all text in the edit control.