File Controls


TSDLFileListbox is a specialized list box that lists all the files in a specified directory. It is a descendant of TSDLListBox. Properties are:

property FileEdit: TSDLEdit read FFileEdit write SetFileEdit;
Links the directory list box to an edit control that displays the currently selected file.
property Directory: string read FDirectory write SetDirectory;
Specifies the directory that contains all the files listed in the file list box.
property FileName: string read GetFileName write SetFileName;
Indicates the name of the selected file in the list box, including the path name.
property Mask: string read FMask write SetMask;
Limits which files are displayed in the file list box. See TSDLOpenDialog.


TSDLDirectoryListBox represents a list box control that is aware of the directory structure of the current drive. It is a descendant of TSDLListBox. Properties are:

property FileListBox: TSDLFileListBox read FFileLB write SetFileLB;
Provides a simple way to connect a directory list box with a file list box.
property DirLabel: TSDLLabel read FDirLabel write SetDirLabel;
Provides a simple way to display the current directory as the caption of a label control.
property Directory: string read FDirectory write SetDirectory;
Determines the current directory for the directory list box control.


TSDLDriveCombo implements a specialized combo box that displays all the drives available when the application runs. This control is only avaible under Windows. It is a descendant of TSDLComboBox. Properties are:

property DirList: TSDLDirectoryListBox read FDirList write SetDirList;
Connects the drive combo box to a directory list box.
property Drive: Char read FDrive write SetDrive;
Indicates the currently selected drive displayed in the edit portion of the combo box.