TSDLGauge is like a progress bar. It is a descendant of TSDLComponent. Properties are:

property Progress: Integer read FProgress write SetProgress;
Specifies the current position of the gauge.
property MinValue: Integer read FMinValue write SetMin default 0;
Specifies the lower limit of the range of possible positions.
property MaxValue: Integer read FMaxValue write SetMax default 100;
Specifies the upper limit of the range of possible positions.
property Kind: TSDLBarKind read FKind write SetKind;
Specifies if it is vertical or horizontal. Changing Width and Height maight change this. See TSDLBarKind.
property ShowText: Boolean read FShowText write FShowText default True;
Specify Text visibility.
property BorderColor: Cardinal read FBorderColor write FBorderColor;
Color of the border.
property BackColor: Cardinal read FBackColor write FBackColor;
Color of the background.
property ForeColor: Cardinal read FForeColor write FForeColor;
Color of foregraund that shows the progress.
property BorderForeSpace: Byte read FBFSpace write FBFSpace;
Space between border and foreground.