TSDLLabel is a component that displays text or a bitmap on a form. It is a descendant of TSDLComponent. Properties are:

property WordWrap: Boolean read FWordWrap write SetWordWrap;
Specifies whether the label text wraps when it is too long for the width of the label.
property Caption: String read FCaption write SetCaption;
Specifies the text string that the Label displays.
property Alignment: TSDLAlignment read FAlignment write FAlignment;
Controls the horizontal placement of the text within the label. See TSDLAlignment.
property Layout: TSDLTextLayout read FLayout write FLayout;
Specifies the vertical placement of the text within the label. See TSDLTextLayout.
property AutoSize: Boolean read FAutoSize write SetAutoSize default False;
Determines whether the size of the label automatically resizes to accommodate the text.