TSDLMenuItem describes the properties of an item in a menu. It is a descendant of
TSDLComponent. Properties are:
- property Items[Index: Integer]: TSDLMenuItem read GetItem; default;
- Lists the menu items in the submenu of the menu item.
- property Caption: string read FCaption write FCaption;
- Specifies the text of the menu item.
- property Checked: Boolean read FChecked write SetChecked default False;
- Specifies whether a check mark should appear beside the Caption.
- property GroupIndex: Byte read FGroupIndex write SetGroupIndex default 0;
- This property is used to define groups of menu items that act like radio buttons. It also has to be larger than 0
for Checked property to have any funcionality.
- property MenuIndex: Integer read FMenuIndex;
- Indicates the index of the menu item within its parent menu.
- property RadioItem: Boolean read FRadioItem write SetRadioItem default False;
- Specifies whether the menu item is mutually exclusive with other menu items in its group.
It has three new methods:
- function Add(const ACaption: string; AOnClick: TSDLMouseClickEvent): Integer;
- Adds one menu item to the end of the Items property array with specified caption and onclick event.
- procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
- Removes a menu item from the Items property array.
- function Find(const ACaption: string): TSDLMenuItem;
- Locates a menu item in the Items property array given its caption.
- function Insert(Index: Integer;const ACaption: string): Integer;
- Inserts a menu item into a specified position in the Items array.
TSDLMenuBase is a base class for TSDLPopupMenu and TSDLMenu. It is a descendant of
TSDLStdControl. There is one new property:
- property Items[Index: Integer]: TSDLMenuItem read GetItem; default;
- Describes the elements of the menu.
It has five new methods:
- procedure AddItems(AItems: TStrings);
- Adds TSDLMenuItems with captions given in string list. You can specify subitems of an item if you put them
under that item but add one tab char before them.
- function Add(const ACaption: string; AOnClick: TSDLMouseClickEvent): Integer;
- Adds one menu item to the end of the Items property array with specified caption and onclick event.
- procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
- Removes a menu item from the Items property array.
- function Find(const ACaption: string): TSDLMenuItem;
- Locates a menu item in the Items property array given its caption.
- function Insert(Index: Integer;const ACaption: string): Integer;
- Inserts a menu item into a specified position in the Items array.
TSDLPopupMenu encapsulates the properties, methods, and events of a pop-up menu. It is a descendant of
TSDLMenuBase. It has no new properties/methods.
TSDLMenu is a base class for TSDLPopupMenu and TSDLMenu. It is a descendant of TSDLMenuBase. There are no new
properties and one new method:
- procedure UpdateItems;
- You should call this whenever you change its items. It will set appropriate position and dimensions of every item.