SDL Scroll
TSDLScrollBar is a scroll bar, which is used to scroll the contents of a window, form, or control. It is a descendant of
TSDLComponent. Properties are:
- property Kind: TSDLBarKind read FKind write SetKind;
- Specifies whether the scroll bar is horizontal or vertical. See TSDLBarKind.
- property Jumping: Boolean read FJumping write FJumping default False;
- If it is False thumb tab will move in steps till it get to the place where you clicked. If it is True thumb tab
will move momentarily to the place where you clicked.
- property OnChange : TSDLNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property SmallChange: Word read FSmallChange write FSmallChange;
- Determines how much Position changes when the user clicks the arrow buttons on the scroll bar.
- property LargeChange: Word read FLargeChange write FLargeChange;
- Determines how much Position changes when the user clicks the scroll bar on either side of the thumb tab.
- property WheelChange: Word read FWheelChange write FWheelChange;
- Specify how many items to scroll on mouse wheel event.
- property BackColor: Cardinal read FBackColor write FBackColor;
- Color of the background.
- property ButtonColor: Cardinal read FButtonColor write FButtonColor;
- Color of the butons and thumb tab.
- property Max: Integer read FMax write SetMax default 100;
- Specifies the maximum position represented by the scrollbar.
- property Min: Integer read FMin write SetMin default 0;
- Specifies the minimum position represented by the scrollbar.
- property Position: Integer read FPosition write SetPosition;
- Indicates the current position of the scrollbar.
It has one new method:
- procedure SetParams(const Pos,Min,Max: Integer);
- Sets the Position, Max, and Min property values all at once.
TSDLScrollComponent is a base class for all components that have a scrollable contents. It is a descendant of
TSDLComponent. Only new property is ScrollBar which is a pointer to
ScrollBar that is used for scrolling.
TSDLScrollControl is a base class for all controls that have a scrollable contents. It is a descendant of
TSDLStdControl. Only new property is ScrollBar which is a pointer to
ScrollBar that is used for scrolling.