TSDLForm and TSDLPanel
TSDLForm is standard container for other components. It is a descendant of
TSDLStdControl. Properties are:
- RImages: TSDLImages;
- Reserved Images. Assign a TSDLImages instance to this so you can assign images to controls using their
ImageIndex property. This is automaticly assigned when you set ImagesFileName to valid file name.
- property Modal: Boolean read FModal write FModal default False;
- If this is True form can not lose focus. This form should have something like a close button. When user
clicks it you should set this to false before you call LoseFocus.
- property TitleBarHeight: Word read FTitleBarHeight write FTitleBarHeight;
- Height of title bar where caption of the form will appear.
- property Movable: Boolean read FMovable write FMovable default True;
- User can move the form only if this is True.
- property Caption: string read FCaption write FCaption;
- Caption of the form.
- property DestroyRImages: Boolean read FDestroyRImages write FDestroyRImages default True;
- If this is True, form will destroy RImages before its destruction. If you are using this instance of
TSDLImages anywhere else you should set this to false.
- property ImagesFileName: TFileName read Fifn write Setifn;
- When you set a valid file name to this property it will load an Image List into RImages property.
TSDLPanel is sub-container for other components. It is a descendant of
TSDLScrollControl. It has one new method:
- procedure RefreshScroll;
- You should call this after you add new children to it. It supports only vertical scrolling.